Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fluffy Flannel Find!

I LOVE a good find! Look at this flannel I found at GoodWill for $6.99!

It's a full 8 yards! It's not a heavy-weight flannel, but it's still new, and in 1 piece!
As usual, it's a what-to-use-it-for-piece! At that price I just had to go ahead and snatch it up!

Maybe I'll make a pair of lounge/jammy pants for me. I'd sure have a lot left so maybe a couple of newborn day gowns and some tot jammies. Or maybe some lap quilts for the eldery or a baby quilt?

At this point, I think I'll add it to my stash. I now have a piece of Christmas material on hand and a nice piece of flannel. I can definitely ponder on this for a while.

I LOVE a good deal and a find like this! Now I really REALLY need some sewing time!

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