I have a wonderful, talented, giving woman on the net who I claim as a friend. I've gotten to know her over 3 o4 years online and have had the priviledge of taling with her on the phone. I belong to her sewing groups and a few others that include sewing in some fashion. I LOVE her groups and am often amazed as how much she willingly shares. It's monumental, EXTENSIVE, and truly needed and helpful!
The bad news is that "Brook" is dealing with end-stage cancer after years of treatment, and I'm sure, heart break. Even worse to had to her situation, her hubby was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Both are now in hospice. If you pray, please pray for them both. Brook is dealing with a lot of pain too so even prayers for control of the pain and other side affects would be most appreciated.
Because of Brook's health situation, she has graciously given me a couple of her groups and even more awesome, is her blog, Green Aprons. I'm going to be adding them here for your access and enjoyment. I'm sure you all will find helpful info and a place you can learn from. I feel honored to be the recipient for this huge gift and plan on keeping them going. Green Aprons (
http://greenaprons.wordpress.com/ ) has much more than "just" sewing. So I suspect that a lot of you would like to add it to your favorites.
I'm having a hard time navigating blogger with the new interface (I hate it!) and have wasted tons of time. I can't read that fine print as I have a cataract that makes it even worse. I can't believe they took an awesome "product" and totally ruined it. So, please bear with me and I'll soon have the section open with links to Brook's groups and blog.
Prior to our inter net and high tech lives, we use to have most of our friends within seeing distance or visiting distance. Now we have a new horizon.... Inter net friends. And sadly, we will lose some of them over time, as in real life. The thing is, the inter net may be a virtual world, but our virtual world is made of REAL people with real lives and all that comes with it. Right now, I'm looking at losing 2 on line friends very soon. I don't want to let them go but, that's life. Real or virtual!
Please do go visit Green Aprons and watch for the new group links. Brook is still trying to get some things around on them so there will be some new posts to enjoy while we appreciate the remarkable skills and talents of a wonderful woman!